Monday, September 19, 2011

Class Assignment #1

            The liberties of workers throughout the nation are almost always protected by the creation of unions and the settlement of legal matters through the unions. One company that has been notorious for years by dodging unionized workers is McDonald's. On February 21, 1998, a Mcdonald's in St. Hubert, Montreal, Canada closed weeks before a union was finalized, leaving all the workers without jobs. The reason behind the closing was "... restaurant was a money loser.."(77), even though is was in the same location for seventeen years.  A Canadian editorial was quoted by Eric Schlosser, "Did somebody say McUnion?... Not if they want to keep their McJob"(Fast Food Nation, 77). Mcdonald's has been known to follow a procedure where if a union was suspected of forming experienced managers and corporate executives would be flown to the restaurants and start "rap sessions"(76).These sessions consisted of the flown in experts listening to the employees promising better situations if the names of the employees planning the union were disclosed. The discovered employees would later be fired. If Plan A didn't work then Plan B would be enforced. Plan B would be the closing of the jeopardized restaurant and the firing of all it's workers,"... During the early 1970s,... in Lansing,Michigan. All crew members fired, was shut down, a new one was built...,...workers who'd signed union cards were not rehired..."(77).

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