Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog 4: From Farm to Fridge

This video is very disturbing and very graphic. I would say as a former carnivore I am taken aback about the routines and procedures in which these animals go through. The video 'From Farm to Fridge' begins with quick flashes of scenes that foreshadow the basis of the film. The films narrator guides the viewer through various different displays of slaughters that involve chickens,turkeys,pigs/piglets, and cows. The video displayed turkey getting their heads stomp in and another one getting its neck snapped, it was still flapping around. The next was about chickens, how they're confined into battery cages to lay eggs and how they are aggressively handled, hung upside down, electrocuted and then have their necks cut by machine. To add on the previous it was visible that some of the chickens were still conscious. The pigs are confined to pens that are no bigger than themselves and at times die from giving birth because of complications. Piglets from birth are castrated and have their tails cut off or "docked". The runts of the litters are literally banged head first on the floor they call this process 'Thumping'. If the piglets are still alive they just do it again. With the cows the narrator goes on to explain that they are mutilated and the video goes as far as to showing a cow getting its tail forcefully cut. All these procedures were done without the use of anesthetics the narrator describes and shows in the video. I found this video extremely disturbing, just thinking about it makes my stomach curl. Knowing that these grotesque things take place in the making of foods shines a new light on the situation.
         This video, I believe, goes hand and hand with the video project my group is conducting. We want to find out if the food carts on the streets acquire their foods from factory farms. I believe if more people were aware of what occurs in factory farms in the visual aspect, instead of the literary, they would be more cautious about their choices and start looking for more humane sources of foods. If students are more aware of the foods they take in then I believe students would be more aware of their choices.

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